Wednesday 21 May 2008

More facts about the Pyrenees

I was right in thinking that the Pyrenees are 500km long - but that is as the crow flies! To walk the GR11 is 837km!

Then someone mentioned that the total ascent of 39,500m is in fact 4.5 times the height of Everest...

BUT I have arranged my insurance through the BMC (British Mountaineering Club) and have the Reciprical Card which will give me discounts in the refugios and campsites along the route and the rest of the time will be wild camping which is the bit I am looking forward to. Waking up in the mountains and cooking breakfast. In fact Sara and Sandi are much better morning people than me so I hope breakfast may be ready - oh, the smell of bacon and beans in the morning...

Talking of wild camping - the photo is me on High Pike in the Lakes last summer. It was pure bliss.

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